Seth on Creative Aggression

Seth on Creative Aggression The following are excerpts from Chapter 10 & 11 of: The Nature of Personal Reality "A dream may be purposely experienced to provide an outlet of a kind that is missing in your daily life." "Dreams of a strongly aggressive nature in this context may be very beneficial to a given individual, allowing the release of usually inhibited feelings and freeing the body from tension." "The schools of "positive thinking" try to remedy the situation, but often [...]

2018-06-14T00:13:49-06:00March 4th, 2012|Seth - Spirituality|

Top 5 Books that have Impacted me the most

Top 5 Books that have Impacted me the most For me the following books have had the greatest impact on my life thus far (in a somewhat loose order of importance): 1. The Seth Material - Channeled by Jane Roberts The Seth material in its entirety is probably some of  the greatest metaphysical works ever written. The material is highly philosophical and complex which discuss the fundamental spiritual nature of reality. The Seth Material covers a [...]

2018-06-13T23:54:39-06:00June 17th, 2010|Metaphysics|

Seth on Identity and Stability

"Identity, because of its characteristics, will continually seek stability, while stability is impossible . . . It is this dilemma between identity's constant attempts to maintain stability and action's inherent drive for change that results in the imbalance, the exquisite creative by-product that is consciousness . . . identity must seek stability while action must seek change, yet identity could not exist without change, for it is the result of action and a part of [...]

2010-06-16T10:58:21-06:00June 16th, 2010|Metaphysics, Seth - Spirituality|

Seth on conception of Time

"Any event that you perceive is only a portion of the true dimensionality of that event. The observer and the object perceived are a part of the same event, each changing the other. This interrelationship always exists in any system of reality and at any level of activity. In certain terms, for example, even an electron “knows” it is being observed through your instrument. ...Time and space are each the result of psychological properties. When [...]

2010-06-15T21:30:57-06:00June 15th, 2010|Metaphysics, Seth - Spirituality|
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