“Identity, because of its characteristics, will continually seek stability, while stability is impossible . . . It is this dilemma between identity’s constant attempts to maintain stability and action’s inherent drive for change that results in the imbalance, the exquisite creative by-product that is consciousness . . . identity must seek stability while action must seek change, yet identity could not exist without change, for it is the result of action and a part of it . . . every action is a termination. And yet without the termination, identity would cease to exist, for consciousness without action would cease to be conscious.” ~ Seth
[Note the correspondence to quantum physics regarding: “. . . every action is a termination.” In quantum physics the detection process acts on the wave motion creating the particle view or identity. In effect our existence and consciousness is the process of momentarily stopping the change (the waves and motion) to create the NOW, stability and existence, that is, like creating a stable ‘time layer’ moving through the waves of probabilities.]