Supercharge your health by sleeping less – Polyphasic sleep & it’s effects on cortisol

Supercharge your health by sleeping less - Polyphasic sleep & it's effects on cortisol What do Da Vinci, Napolean, Thomas Jefferson, Buckminster Fuller, Nikola Tesla, Thomas Edison, Winston Churchill, Margret Thatcher plus many other noted great minds have in common? They all adhered to some form of polyphasic sleeping. Polyphasic sleeping is the practice of breaking up sleep into multiple time periods (phases) in order to reduce the total number of hours sleep needed. Napolean Bonaparte [...]

2018-06-13T23:37:17-06:00April 3rd, 2014|Health|

Resistant Starch – a concise guide to the biohack of the decade

Resistant Starch (RS for short)  is being called the biohack of the decade and with good reason. The majority of people experimenting with it are reporting dramatic improvements in well-being across a number of measures. Briefly the primary benefits seen are: Improved blood glucose & metabolism, Improved sleep and "movie-like" vivid dreams, Enhanced energy, mood and well-being, Improved digestion and bowel movements.

2018-01-03T13:50:42-07:00February 27th, 2014|Health|
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