My Nutrigenomic Analysis

My Nutrigenomic Analysis The following post chronicles and details my journey in largely curing myself of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). Very recent advances in genetic testing and nutrigenomic analysis have been a tremendous asset and self learning tool. Genova DetoxiGenomic & MTHFR results: Genova ImmunoGenomic results: Selected 23andMe results (converted to Yasko using - Calico13's spreadsheet): Yasko Methylation results: My 23andMe Genetic Ancestral Lineage going back 500 years: Gluten Celiac Markers: HLA-DQA1       rs21787668 Analysis of Phase 1 [...]

2024-03-08T07:19:34-07:00March 17th, 2013|Health|


Nutrigenomics Welcome to the cutting edge of Nutrigenomics, Epigenetics and Functional Medicine. The kind of life saving stuff your standard doctor probably won't know about for another 20 years. Chances of finding a Naturopathic Doctor who is knowledgable in this area is slightly higher, but even then don't hold your breath. So thus it is important you become your own doctor. Every person has a unique set of genes. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could optimize our diets/supplements for maximum well-being based on [...]

2018-04-19T16:54:32-06:00March 17th, 2013|Health|
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