The Nine Source “Families of Consciousness” for Earth

I find this notion that Planet Earth was seeded by nine original source consciousness interesting. To me it helps understand what the soul-level thrust in a person’s life is about and how it may be different than others. I find the following descriptions still somewhat vague but nevertheless better than western astrology for instance.
Jane: “… the names and designations aren’t meant to be taken too literally; these aren’t to be interpreted as esoteric clubs or brotherhoods, but as natural psychic ‘conglomerations’ to which we all belong.” [session 737]
“Now these families fall generally into certain groups. In greater terms you can ‘cut the pie’ however you want to, but you will still share an emotional and psychic feeling of belonging with the family of which you are a part.” [Appendix 26, session 734]
“Now you can expand the functions of any particular family group, or you can cut it down, by deciding how precise you want to be. If one family deals with the nature of healing then you can slice it down to the healing of a toe … and ear … an eye.”
“The categories [healing, teaching, or whatever] are general descriptions of the families of consciousness. You can split them up also and make further distinction if you choose. You cut those divisions down. They merely represent interpretations that you can understand in you realty. In the most mundane terms, some families are travelers, and some prefer to say at home. But generally speaking I have simply given you an outline which follow the characteristics of consciousness as it is embarked in physical form. I am mot giving you these groups to set up divisions, but to help you understand that consciousness is diversified – that usually each of you falls, because you want to, into a certain family. And there you acquire friends, alliances and counterparts.”
- Designers, Engineers and Architects of Civilizations. Urban planners, accountants, lawyers, doctors, nurses, technicians, programmers, bureaucrats, administrators & police officers.
- Of service to others and society.
- Keep the lights on, the water running and the streets clean. Keep the gears of civilization turning.
- Make life more comfortable and improve things for people in concrete and practical ways.
- specializes in organization & practical planning.
- founders of large businesses, Politicians, Bureaucrats, Inventors, Economists, Political Philosophers, Religion Establishers
- found social systems. on a grander scale, are the ones responsible for establishment of your societies, your governments, your institutions, your religions
- ability to connect with world views of other essences
- individuals whose ideas are initiating and original
- expressing original ideas for efficiency.
- Incremental improvement to the status quo.
- Enjoy puzzles, crime stories and detective work. Enjoy solving problems with known solutions.
- Enjoy having their creativity challenged to solve practical problems with concrete goals.
- great artists, or musicians, or architects, scientists or physicists
- Most white collar jobs, and non heavy labor blue collar jobs. Plumbers, Electricians, HVAC & carpenters.
- Examples:
- Politicians: Nelson Mandela, Obama
- Businesspersons: Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates,
- Scientists: Einstein
- primarily reformers, activists, revolutionaries,
- strongly focused within their dream abilities.
- with excellent precognitive abilities in terms of probabilities,
- one purpose in mind: to change the status quo in whatever the area of primary interest.
- Their main objective is change. They are not satisfied with elements of existence continuing along the same direction.
- Change themselves to change the world.
- They are great connectors with other individuals, for they also incorporate tremendous compassion and understanding.
- Extremely Passionate
- to reform the status quo. Burn it down, rebuild from scratch.
- Examples: Elon Musk, Ghandi, Che, Tony Robbins
- they deal primarily in the great play of exchange and interchange of ideas, products, social and political concepts.
- They are travelers, carrying with them ideas of one country to another
- They are extremely verbal. They are communicators. Their focus is exchange.
- They are travelers.
- mixing cultures, religions, attitudes, political structures
- to spread and exchange ideas.
- They may be manifest as merchants, as gypsies, as seamen, jesters of courts, slaves, pirates
- Podcasters, Journalists, TV interviewers, Sales people, Conference organizers, Marketers, Communications
- Musicians, Inventors, Innovators, Fine Artists, Journeymen, Artisan
- naturally playful, humorous, relatively unfettered.
- They are impatient however.
- They will be found in the arts and in the less conventional sciences.
- They also are quite independent. They do not align themselves with groups. They do not align themselves with societies or governments or religions.
- provide the cultural, spiritual, and artistic heritage for the species.
- Blacksmith, Machinist, Mason, Wood worker,
- Examples: Da Vinci, Frank Lloyd Wright (Guggenheim architect)
- composed of mystics,
- They manifest mainly within what you will view as primitives. Your Indians of these Americas would fall into this family; many tribes within your continent of Africa; your aborigines also.
- most of their energy is directed in an inward fashion,
- Affinity for Animals, Plants & Precious Stones
- deeply involved in nature, in that sense more highly attuned psychically than most.
- to mystically nourish mankind’s psyche.
- Eco tour guides, Permaculture specialists, Gardner’s, Farmers, Hunters, Nature photographers, Forrest Rangers, Lumberjacks
- deals primarily with teaching, passing on their knowledge or that of others
- to transmit “originality” through teaching.
- Quite Playful, not solemn
- Many have chosen religious-focuses. They are quite intent upon keeping truths.
- Teachers of Art as opposed to being an “Artist”
- Manifest as Scribes, Authors,
- primarily devoted to healing, though don’t have to literally be practicing medicine,
- found as psychics, social workers, psychologists, priests/shamans, florists, politicians,
- could be the cheerful grocery store clerk or waiter/waitress
- Often found in hospitality professions
- royalty in past history.
- to heal, regardless of individual occupation.
- deals primarily with parenthood, often have large families, focus on nurturing healthy children with brilliant minds, healthy bodies, and strong clear emotions.
- Their ideas often spring to prominence before large social changes, and help initiate them. Closest to Sumari.
- to provide an Earth stock for the species through parenthood.
- involved mainly with the fulfillment of bodily activity, athletes, dedicated to perfecting the beautiful, elegant, and performance capacities of the body
- often appear at the beginnings of civilizations where direct physical bodily manipulation within the environment was of supreme importance.
- to serve as physical athletic models.
- Soldiers, Construction workers, heavy labor blue collar workers,
The following copied from:
Note: Please read The Unknown Reality – Volume 2 if you’d like to see all of the notes, time-stamps, and comments from the original text.
Psychic Families
Seth Describes Psychic Families,
Sessions 732, 734, 736-737.
The Unknown Reality – Volume 2:
“Now there are races, physically speaking. There are also psychic counterparts of races – families of consciousness, so to speak – all related yet having different overall characteristics or specialties.
Most of the people who come to Ruburt’s classes are Sumari, for example. There are eight other such psychic families – nine in all. Some of Ruburt’s students are counterparts of each other. Many of the people who come here come home in the way that [members of a physical] family attend a reunion.” (p. 546, Session 732)
“Now any group will show the same kind of interrelationships. You can see them for yourselves. There is great diversity within the family of consciousness called Sumari, as there is within any physical race, and there is also great variety within other psychic families.
You choose to be born in a particular physical family, however, with your brothers and sisters, or as an only child. So, generally speaking, your counterparts are born in the same psychic family of your contemporaries. These families can be called…” (p. 548, Session 732)
List of Psychic Families (from p. 548, Session 732):
1. Gra-ma’-da To found social systems
2. Su-ma’-fi To transmit “originality” through teaching
3. Tu’-mold To heal, regardless of individual occupations
4. Vold To reform the status quo
5. Mil’-u-met To mystically nourish mankind’s psyche
6. Zu’-li To serve as physical, athletic models
7. Bor-le’-dim To provide an earth-stock for the species through parenthood
8. Il’-da To spread and exchange ideas
9. Su-mar’-i To provide cultural, spiritual, and artistic heritage for the species
“Now these categories do not come first. Your individuality comes first. You have certain characteristics of your own. These place you in a certain position. As you are not a rock or a mineral, but a person, so your individuality places you in a particular family or species of consciousness. This represents your overall viewpoint of reality.” (p. 548, Session 732)
“As you and your brothers or sisters might belong to the same physical family, so generally are you and your counterparts part of the same psychic group of consciousness. Remember, however, that these psychic groups are like natural formations into which consciousness seems to flow. Your own interests, desires, and abilities are not predetermined by your membership in a given psychic family.” (pp. 561-562, Session 734)
“The psyche as you know it, then, is composed of a mixture of these families of consciousness. One is not superior to the others. They are just different, and they represent various ways of looking at physical life. A book would be needed to explain the dimensions of the psyche in relation to the different families of consciousness. Here, in this manuscript, I merely want to make the reader aware of the existence of these psychic groupings. I am alert to the fact that I am using many terms, and that it may seem difficult to understand the differences between probable and reincarnational selves, counterparts and families of consciousness. At times contradictions may seem to exist. You may wonder how you are you in the midst of such multitudinous psychic “variations.” (p. 570, Session 735)
1. The Gramada Family
“The first family that I mentioned (Gramada), for example, specializes in organization. Sometimes its members follow immediately after a revolutionary social change. Their organizational tendencies are expressed in any area of life, however. They are behind art schools, for instance, though they may not be artists themselves. They may set up colleges, although they may or may not be scholars.
The founders of giant businesses often belong to this family, as do some politicians and statesmen. They are active, vital, and creatively aggressive. They know how to put other people’s ideas together. They often unite conflicting schools of thought into a more or less unifying structure. They are, then, often the founders of social systems. In most cases, for instance, your hospitals, schools, and religions, as organizations, are initiated by and frequently maintained by this group.
These people (the Gramada) have excellent abilities in putting together solitary concepts that might otherwise go by the wayside. They are organizers of energy, directed toward effective social structures. They usually set up fairly stable, fairly reasonable governments, schools, fraternities, although they do not initiate the ideas behind those structures.” (p. 582, Session 736)
2. The Sumafi Family
“The next group (Sumafi) deals primarily with teaching. Again, the relationship with others is good, generally speaking. They may be gifted in any field, but their primary interest will be in passing on their knowledge or that of others. They are usually traditionalists, therefore, although they may be brilliant. In a way they are equally related to the family just mentioned (Gramada), and to the Sumari, for they stand between the organized system and the creative artist. They transmit “originality” without altering it, however, through the social structures.
I say that they (the Sumafi) do not alter the originality. Of course any interpretation of an event alters it, but generally they teach the disciplines while not creatively changing the content. As historians, for example, they pass down the dates of battles, and those dates are considered almost as immaculate facts, so that in the context of their training they see no point in questioning the validity of such information.
In the Middle Ages they faithfully copied manuscripts. They are custodians in a way. Again, there are infinite variations. Many music or art teachers belong in that category, where the arts are taught with a love of excellence, a stress upon technique – into which the artist, who is often a Sumari (although not always, by any means) can put his or her creativity.” (pp. 582-583, Session 736)
3. The Tumold Family
“The next family (Tumold), in the order given, is primarily devoted to healing. This does not mean that these people may not be creative, or organizers, or teachers, but the primary slant of their consciousness will be directed to healing. You might find them as doctors and nurses, while not usually as hospital administrators. However, they may be psychics, social workers, psychologists, artists, or in the religions. They may work in flower shops. They may work on assembly lines, for that matter, but if so they will be healers by intent or temperament.
I mention various professions or occupations to give clear examples, but a garageman may belong to this (Tumold) group, or to any group. In this case the garageman would have a healing effect on the customers, and he would be fixing more than cars.
…The healers might also appear as politicians, however, psychically healing the wounds of the nation. An artist of any kind, whose work primarily meant to help, also belongs in this category. You will find some heads of state, and – particularly in the past – some members of royal families who also belong to this group.” (pp. 583-584, Session 736)
4. The Vold Family
“…Those in the next group (Vold), are primarily reformers. They have excellent precognitive abilities, which of course means that at least unconsciously they understand the motion of probabilities. They can work in any field. In your terms it is as if they perceive the future motion or direction of an idea, a concept, or a structure. They then work with all of their minds to bring that probability into physical reality.
In conventional terms they may appear to be great activists and revolutionaries, or they may seem to be impractical dreamers. They will be possessed by an idea of change and alteration, and will feel, at least, driven or compelled to make that idea a reality. They perform a very creative service as a rule, for social and political organizations can often become stagnant, and no longer serve the purposes of the large masses of people involved. Members of this (Vold) family may also initiate religious revolutions, of course. As a rule, however, they have one purpose in mind: to change the status quo in whatever the area of primary interest.
It is already easy to see how the purposes of these various families can intermesh, complement each other, and also conflict. Yet all in all, almost, they operate as systems of creative checks and balances.” (p. 584, Session 736)
5. The Milumet Family
“…The next family (Milumet) is composed of mystics.
Almost all of their energy is directed in an inward fashion, with no regard as to whether or not inner experience is translated in usual terms. These persons, for instance, may be utterly unknown, and usually are, for as a rule they care not a bit about explaining their interior activities to others – nor, for that matter, even to themselves. They are true innocents, and spiritual. They may be underdeveloped intellectually, by recognized standards, but this is simply because they do not direct their intellect to physical focus.
Those belonging to this (Milumet) family will not be in positions of any authority, generally speaking, for they will not concentrate that long on specific physical data. However, they may be found in your country precisely where you might not expect them to be: on some assembly lines that require simple repetitive action – in factories that do not require speed, however. They usually choose less industrialized countries, then, with a slower pace of life. They have simple, direct, childish mannerisms, and may appear to be stupid. They do not bother with the conventions.
Strangely enough, though, they may be excellent parents, particularly in less complicated societies than your own. Period. In your terms, they are primitives wherever they appear. Yet they are deeply involved in nature, and in that respect they are more highly attuned psychically than most other people are.
…Their private experiences are often of a most venturesome kind, and at that level they help nourish the psyche of mankind.” (pp. 584-585, Session 736)
6. The Zuli Family
“The next group (Zuli) is involved mainly with the fulfillment of bodily activity. These are the athletes. In whatever field, they devote themselves to perfecting the capacities of the body, which in others usually lie latent.
To some extent they serve as physical models. The vitality of creaturehood is demonstrated through the beauty, speed, elegance, and performance of the body itself. To some extent these people are perfectionists, and in their activities there are always hints of “super” achievement, as if even physically the species tries to go beyond itself. The members of this family actually serve to point out the unrealized capacity of the flesh – even as, for example, great Sumari artists might give clues as to the artistic abilities inherent, but not used, in the species as a whole. They members of this group deal, then, in performance. They are physical doers. They are also lovers of beauty as it is corporally expressed.
Members of this (Zuli) family can often serve as models for the artist or the writer, but generally speaking they themselves transmit their energy through physical “arts” and performance. In your terms only, and historically speaking, they often appeared at the beginnings of civilizations, where direct physical bodily manipulation within the environment was of supreme importance. Then, normal physical reactions were simply faster than they are now, even while normal body relaxation was deeper and more complete.” (pp. 585-586, Session 736)
7. The Borledim Family
“The next family (Borledim) deals primarily with parenthood. These people are natural “earth parents.” That is, they have the capacity to produce children who from a certain standpoint possess certain excellent characteristics. The children have brilliant minds, healthy bodies, and strong clear emotions.
While many people are working in specific areas, developing the intellect, for example, or the emotions or the body, these parents and their children produce offspring in which a fine balance is maintained. No one aspect of mind or body is developed at the expense of another aspect.
The personalities possess a keen resiliency of both body and mind, and serve as a strong earth stock. It goes without saying that members of one family often marry into other families. Of course the same things happens here. When this occurs new stability is inserted, for this particular family acts as a source-stock, providing physical and mental strength. Period. Physically speaking, these people often have many children, and usually the offspring do well in whatever area of life is chosen. Biologically speaking, they possess certain qualities that nullify “negative” codes in the genes. They are usually very healthy people, and marriage into this group can automatically end generations of so-called inherited weaknesses.
These people (the Borledim) believe, then, in the natural goodness of sex, the body, and the family unit – however those attributes are understood in the physical society to which they belong. As a rule they possess an enchanting spontaneity, however, and all of their creative abilities go into the family group and the production of children. These are not rigid parents, though, blindly following conventions, but people who see family life as a find living creative art, and children as masterpieces in flesh and blood. Far from devouring their offspring by an excess of overprotective care, they joyfully send their children out into the world, knowing that in their terms the masterpieces must complete themselves, and that they have helped with the underpainting.[The Borledim] are the stock that so far has always seen to it that your species continues despite catastrophes, and they are more or less equally distributed about the planet and in all nationalities. They are most like the Sumari. They have the same love of the arts, the same general attitudes. They will usually seek fairly stable political situations in which to bear their children, as the Sumari will to produce their art. They demand a certain amount of freedom for their children, however, and while they are not political activists, like the Sumari their ideas often spring to prominence before large social changes, and help initiate them. The one big difference is that the Sumari deal primarily with creativity and the arts and often subordinate family life, while this family thinks of offspring in the terms of living art; everything else is subordinated to that “ideal.”
The Sumari often provide a cultural, spiritual, or artistic heritage for the species. This (Borledim) family provides a well-balanced earth stock – a heritage in terms of individuals. These people are kind, humorous, playful, filled with a lively compassion, but too wise for the “perverted” kind of compassion that breeds on other individuals’ weaknesses.
An artist expects his paintings to be good – or, if you will forgive a jingle: at least he should. These people expect their children to be well-balanced, healthy, spiritually keen, and so they are. You will find members of the Borledim family in almost any occupation, but the main consideration will be on the physical family unit.
These parents do not sacrifice themselves for the sake of their children. They understand too well the burden that is placed upon such offspring. Instead, the parents retain their own clear sense of identity and their individual characteristics, serving as clear examples to the children of loving, independent adults.” (pp. 589-591, Session 737)
8. The Ilda Family
“The next family (Ilda) is composed of the “exchangers.” They deal primarily in the great play of exchange and interchange of ideas, products, social and political concepts. They are travelers, carrying with them the ideas of one country to another, mixing cultures, religions, attitudes, political structures. They are explorers, merchants, soldiers, missionaries, sailors. They are often members of crusades.
Throughout the ages they have served as the spreaders of ideas, the assimilators. They (the Ilda) turn up everywhere. They were pirates and slaves as well, historically speaking. They are often primarily involved in social changes. In your time they may be diplomats, as they were also in the past. Their characteristics are usually those of the adventuresome. Very seldom do they live in one place for long, although they may if their occupation deals with products from another land. Individually they may seem highly diverse in nature, one from the other, but you will not find them as a rule in universities as teachers. You might find them as archaeologists in the field, however.
A good many salesmen belong in this (Ilda) category. In your terms they may be cosmopolitan, and often wealthy, so that frequent travel is possible. On the other hand, however, in certain frameworks, a humble merchant in a small country who travels through nearby provinces might also belong to this family. These are a lively, talkative, imaginative, usually likeable group of people. They are interested in the outsides of things, social mores, the marketplace, current popular religious or political ideas. They spread these from place to place. They are the seed-carriers, both literally and figuratively.
They can be “con men,” selling products supposed to have miraculous values, blinding the local populace with their city airs. Yet even then they will be bringing with them the aura of other ideas, often inserting into closed areas concepts with which others are already familiar.
The members of that family of consciousness provide frequent new options. They may be scientists, or the strictest kind of conventional missionaries abroad in alien lands. In your present time they are sometimes Indians (from India, that is), or Africans or Arabs, journeying to your civilizations. They add to the great flow of communication. They may be emotional rather than intellectual, as you understand those terms, but they are restless, usually on the move. They can be actors, also.
In the past some (Ilda) have been great courtesans, and even though they were not able to travel physically, they were at the heart of communication – that is, part of court life, or involved with diplomats who did travel.
Many of the courtesans who ruled the salons of Europe belong in the (Ilda) category, then. The Crusades involved great movement of this family, in which trade and commerce, and the exchange of political ideas, were far more important than the religious aspects. Some members of this family served as initiators of new orders in the (Catholic) church in the past – the worldly Jesuits, for example, and some of the sophisticated popes, who had a fine eye out for commerce and wealth. These people may be appreciators of fine art, but usually for its commercial value.
Now you can often find them in the departments of government, in those areas where travel is involved, or in finance. They frequently enjoy intrigue. All in all, they mix mores.” (pp. 591-593, Session 737)
9. The Sumari Family
“…The Sumari are naturally playful – inventors, and relatively unfettered. They are impatient, however. They will be found in the arts and in the less conventional sciences.” (p. 546, Session 732)
“The Sumari are rambunctious, in certain terms anti-authority, full of energy. They are usually individualists, against systems of any kind. They are not “born reformers,” however. They do not insist that everyone believe in their ideas, but they are stubborn in that they insist upon the right to believe in their own ideas, and will avoid all coercion.” (p. 547, Session 732)
“…The psychic groups, however, overlap physical and national ones. The Sumari are extremely independent, for instance, and as a rule you will not find them born into countries with dictatorships. When they do so appear, their work may set a spark that brings about changes, but they seldom take joint political action. Their creativity is very threatening to such a society.
However, the Sumari are practical in that they bring creative visions into physical reality, and try to live their lives accordingly. They are initiators, yet they make little attempt to preserve organizations, even ones they feel to be fairly beneficial. They are not lawbreakers by design or intent. They are not reformers in the strictest sense, yet their playful work does often end up reforming a society or culture. They are given to art, but in its broadest sense also, trying to make an “art” of living, for example. They have been a part of most civilizations, though they appeared in the Middle Ages (A.D. 476-c. A.D. 1450) least of all. They often come to full strength before great social changes. Others might build social structures from their work, for example, but the Sumari themselves, while pleased, will usually not be able to feel any intuitive sense of belonging with any structured group.
There is no correlation between the families of consciousness and bodily characteristics, however. Many of the Sumari choose to be born in the springtime, and all those born in the spring are not Sumari, and no general rule applies there. They also have a liking for certain races, but again no specific rules apply. Many of the Irish, the Jews, the Spanish, and some lesser numbers of the French, for instance, are Sumari – though they appear in all races.
Generally speaking, America has not been a Sumari nation, nor have the Scandinavian countries or England. Psychically speaking, the Sumari often very nicely arrange existences in which they are a minority – in a democracy, say, so that they can work at their art within a fairly stable political situation. They are not interested in government, yet they do rely upon it to that extent. They are apt to be self-reliant within that framework. Their recognized artistic abilities may predominate or be fairly minimal.
Sumari is a state of mind, a slant of being. They are not fighters, nor will they generally advocate a violent overthrow of government or mores. They believe in the creativity of change, naturally occurring.
Nevertheless, they are often part of the cultural underground simply because they are seldom conformers. A Sumari is very uncomfortable as a member of any large commercial venture, particularly if the work involves habitual or boring routine. They are not happy on assembly lines. They like to play with details – or to use them for creative purposes. They often go from one job or profession to another for that reason.
If you begin to look into the nature of yourself, and feel intuitively that you are a Sumari, then you should look for a position in which you can use your inventiveness. Sumari enjoy theoretical mathematics, for example, yet make miserable bookkeepers.
In the arts, Picasso was a Sumari.”
Many entertainers are Sumari. You will seldom find them in politics. They are not usually historians.
There are few within any position within organized religions. Because of their feelings of self-reliance, however, you can find them as farmers, working intuitively with the land. They are equally divided between the sexes. In your society, however, Sumari qualities in the male have until lately been frowned upon to some degree.” (pp. 562-563, Session 734)
“The Sumari characteristics do not exist in isolation, of course. To one extent or another, each family of consciousness carries within it the characteristics inherent in all of the families. There is, therefore, great diversity.
The Sumari abilities are highly creative ones, however. To a large extent they have been inhibited in your society. I have been speaking of them here so that each individual can learn to recognize his or her own degree of Sumariness. The playful, creative elements of personality can then be released. These qualities are particularly important as they add to, temper, or enhance the primary characteristics of the other families of consciousness.
If you are a “reformer,” a “reformer by nature,” then the Sumari characteristics, brought to the surface, could help you temper your seriousness with play and humor, and actually assist you in achieving your reforms far easier than otherwise. Each personality carries traces of other characteristics besides those of the family of consciousness to which he or she might belong. The creative aspects of the Sumari can be particularly useful if those aspects are encouraged in any personality, simply because their inventive nature throws light on all elements of experience.” (p. 569-570, Session 735)
“Dictation: Generally, the Sumari have the capacity to reach out emotionally to others and empathize. To some extent this feeling for humanity often serves as an impetus for creative work. Many of them also have a mystical sense of connection with nature. At the same time they can be relative isolationists, wanting to work in solitude.
Various kinds of seemingly contradictory characteristics may appear, then. One Sumari may have many deeply rewarding personal relationships. Another might find friends a distraction. One Sumari might enjoy performing in front of an audience, while another might not even be able to bear the thought. Since each person is unique, the various Sumari characteristics will then appear quite differently. Some live in cities, basking in the emotional nearness of others, content with a few flower pots for a reminder of nature’s beauty. Another might have a farm. In most cases, however, the slant of consciousness is primarily creative.” (pp. 581-582, Session 736)
“There are all kinds of Sumari, as there is great diversity within each family of consciousness.” (p. 594, Session 737)
[Sumari is also a language]:
“Ruburt has been involved with what he calls the Sumari language. This is an expression of the consciousness at a different focus. It is the native expression of a kind of experience that happens just outside of your official one-line focus of consciousness. First of all, it breaks up verbal patterning. It is composed, however of sounds and syllables Ruburt has heard before, made up of jumbled Romance languages. These are “foreign” as far as he is concerned. At the same time those sounds are, in your terms, filled with the implications of antiquity, and bring up connotations of the species’ and of the psyche’s past.
They alter the usual physical response to the meaningful sound. You may not realize it, but your language actually structures your visual perception of objects. Sumari breaks down the usual patterning, therefore, but it also releases the nervous system from its structured response to any particular stimulus. The sounds, however, while spontaneous, are not unstructured. They will present a sound equivalent of the emotion or object perceived, an equivalent that is very direct and immediate, and that bears legitimate correspondence with the object or emotion.
The fresh expression sets up a new kind of relationship between the so-called perceiver and the perceived. The Sumari then becomes a bridge between two different kinds of consciousness; and returning to his usual state, Ruburt can translate from Sumari to English.
The English itself, however, then becomes charged, freshened with new concepts, carrying within a strangeness that itself alters the relationship of the words. This is a dream or trance language. It is as native to its level of consciousness as English is to your own – or Indian, or Chinese, or whatever. The various focuses of consciousness will have their own “languages.” Ruburt has discovered that beneath the Sumari there are deeper meanings. He has become aware of what he calls long and short sounds. Some come so quickly that he cannot keep track, or speak them quickly enough. Others are so slow that he feels a sentence would take a week to utter. These are the signatures of different focuses of consciousness as they are transposed in your space-time system.
Languages express certain kinds of reality, usually by organizing experience verbally and mentally. In your case, again, a certain neurological prejudice occurs. If you experienced greater instances of out-of-body consciousness, for example, then your verbal expressions of space and time would automatically change. If you became aware of more of your dreaming experience, your language would automatically expand. Again automatically, you would also become aware of other neurological patterns than those you use. These, activated, would then be picked up by your scientific instruments, and therefore change your ideas in such fields.
Many people find themselves singing “gibberish” when they are alone, and trying to free themselves from language structuring. Children often play by constructing their own languages; and speaking with tongues (glossolalia) is a beautiful example of the attempt to express a reality that escapes the tyranny of overly structure words.
Music is a language. Painting is a language. The senses have a language of their own – one that seeps into structured words but dimly.
…Other focuses of consciousness besides your own have different concepts of time, and are actually more biologically correct, in that they have greater knowledge of both cellular and spiritual realities. There is nothing “wrong” with your present habitual kind of consciousness, any more than there is anything wrong with speaking only one language. There is within you, however, the impetus to explore, to expand, to create, and that will automatically lead you to explore inner lands of consciousness; as, in your terms, it has led you to explore the other countries of the physical world.” (pp. 462-464, Session 723)