Portfolio & Investment/Stock Management Software Analysis

I am looking for the best software in order to manage a portfolio. Stocks, Bonds, Cash, Real Estate, Investments, general Assets and more. I am also looking for a second more robust piece of software that just focuses on stocks. Although most of the portfolio based software programs appear to do some rudimentary based stock analysis.

Holistic Portfolio based:


Best Article yet by 2FatDads comparing on-line portfolio managers. They concluded these 4 as the best:

  • Google Finance
  • Financial Times
  • Market Watch
  • Qtrade

A good article comparing 3 web-based portfolio tracking programs.

Three other top Personal Finance Softwares reviewed by The Humble Broker.

Also check out Finovate for the latest in investment software offerings.



A decent software appears to be:

A good article written over at American Association of Individual Investorscompares 3 of the best portfolio management software’s out there as well. They are:

  1. Quicken Premier by Intuit             (doesn’t do real estate…)
  2. Investment Account Manager by Quant IX Software      *Best Rated
  3. Fund Manger by Bailey Software

The first two appear to be fairly good, the last one is really quite ghetto and looks like it was made in the 1980’s.

Purely Stock Based:

In terms of more specific stock tracking software there is: